Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs — one of the most outstanding personalities as in the history of computer technologies, and in the history in general. He managed to build the whole empire which products literally conquered the whole world, and it is hardly possible not to come across at least one day a week eminent "apples". However whom was their creator? What he was a person? The vision was presented by the cult British director Danny Boyle in the picture "Steve Jobs".

Synopsis to Legendary Steve Jobs walked to go a long way before proving to the whole world that the computer can be a work of art. However what person was Mr. Jobs? We learn through a prism of three most significant presentations of production of the Apple company when Jobs as much as possible revealed before the colleagues, friends and the daughter.

Acting, of course, was on the ball, and the reason not in the well-known structure, namely in talent with which actors embodied on screens of the characters. Steve Jobs of Michael Fassbender is a such person robot, clever, prudent, charming, but at the same time cynical, rigid and hardly capable of feelings. Kate Winslet who played a role Jobs's assistant of Joanna Hoffman embodied an image of the devoted friend Steve which always in all affairs will come to the rescue to it. From vtoroplanovy roles I would mark out Seth Rogen who played Steve Wozniak who unlike Steve appreciates more creators, but not computers.

Direction I Think Steve Jobs's admirers expecting to see in the movie history of construction of the empire of Apple will be partly disappointed as the director Danny Boyle puts in the center of attention not the company, and the specific person Steve Jobs. As a matter of fact, this movie — attempt to glance in this character, to understand who is he such and why it is such. Of course, Danny Boyle pays attention and Apple too, but rather this serves only as a background. In opinion, Boyle the reason for which Steve Jobs was such "anti-family man" (though it had a wife and three children, besides the oldest daughter) consists in his severe childhood. All this moves somehow too plainly, even Boyle. Nevertheless, the stylistics of a picture which remind the statement of a performance removed by one plan very rather impressed.

The scenario Action of a Plot of the Movie happens consistently in the 1984th, 1988th and 1998th, during the most important presentations of computer production of the Apple company which at the same time significantly affected Steve Jobs's life as we see all that vanity which was created in a behind the scenes before the presentations. At first we see Jobs of the 1984th, enterprising, ambitious businessman who faces the problems connected with a family and work though the second is at him on the first place. The same occurs both the 1988th, and the 1998th, periodically we are transferred to the past in which these or those details of a plot are disclosed. I.e. screenwriters as much as possible try to transfer us Steve Jobs by it what he was "actually". All this, really, makes impression, but I did not accept a one-sided ending which finished movie history actually in style of the American melodramas of the 90th. All this could be finished not so romantically, and it is more approximate to life.

The result in general "Steve Jobs" was pleasant to me. Of course, I counted that in the movie the attention directly will be devoted to creation of the company Apple more, but as it was already told earlier, the main character not the company, and Steve Jobs. The movie is shot in classical nontrivial style of Danny Boyle who loves not the linear course of events and multiple-valued inserts, and it does the movie attractive.

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