
Along the border of USA and Mexico is a wall. Long standing, it was built to mark the place where reigns the law of the U.S. and where Mexican. But the boundary has shifted. Almost immediately. Along the border flying drones are flying the chopper, rolled constantly patrols the road. On one side two-lane concrete, a perfect highway, on the other hand the primer. Two worlds, the boundary between which long ago shifted. Interpenetration. In Mexico not even another world, not a zombie — there's just a different understanding of the law. . Another reality. There in megacities every day people without heads and hands hang out. They so to speak — has its own atmosphere. They are used to. They have the police riding around town even during the day no less than two machines, with machine guns and grenade launchers on the side. In the hands of anything smaller machine keep makes no sense, the only gun you will delight the local "lads" and will appreciate their frustration. New reality, with roots in the 60-ies of the twentieth century.
You have to cut off the traffic of drugs. Evil, vigorous Mexican as tequila. Them hooked with the first dose. How? Need to know who's in charge, you need to know where are going, where will take out. It is not possible to know legitimately. The mafia is a mutual responsibility, so comes with 10 century ad. Voluntarily, they are responsible — but hablo Ingles — we just illegals from Uzbekistan or China — me no understand, me no understand. How to make so that he began "to understand"? I think it is clear without explanation. To do this, you need wolves. Wolves are deprived by force of their cubs and she-wolf. Scared? And the bandits they are terrible, that you citizens not caramel "Team" or even trying to arouse pity "Boomer". In the Mexican semi-Martian landscape, its laws, strangely reminiscent of the laws of the Chita convict or Asian Basmachi. Almost a copy. It's not something that the elderly, even the jackals and the coyotes will not survive. Only the wolves. Every five years leaves a serious film about the real state of Affairs with criminality in the United States. Traffic Police Miami Vice, Life, the Patrol, the Old place. Now have the latest summary is a Killer. What? No special drive? No invulnerable? But it is true. Girl COP, before Bravo who detained the drug traffickers in Arizona and thinking that she's tough and smart, fell into the wolf angle. Strapped to her severe and simple uncles and was given the task — look, listen, understand. Almost immediately, the girl broke down, and her friend too. One thing with the "riot police" to knock doors and walls and laying on the floor a couple of fish, another thing in the ocean, against sharks sail on a boat. In Mexico, the very popular "torpedo" — here's a convoy of cops, you've got 8 mates — go and kill them. Not? Well then now turn on good Mexican music, the guitar, turn on the camcorder and this music saw alive, you saw. That already agree? Then that's it. Have time to properly react to Mexican mayhem only those who fought. Simple agents and police from US in advance of the victim. They are not used to shoot and think after. But I had to do. Not pieces of paper, right now when you stared the beast and prepares to kill. The woman caught the girl didn't know about this. But it's there. Kill for half the words in the wrong direction. Dismember entire group of singers, not played there for the concert. And if you didn't, please go ahead. Scared? Yes everybody is scared. Uncles from Texas, the men of Afghanistan. Only one is all the same — wolf whose cubs were taken away. Him not to return. Here at it look and see — you got some bad. The law? The law doesn't work here, honestly not even be detected millions of dollars, the mafia learned how to maneuver between the banking laws. With the mafia you can only fight the brutal methods. It works. The rest is only fun dark arrogant face. Does not raise hands? Shoot. Disobeyed the first time? The bandit should be dead. You cannot arrest the boss? Then wolf should give a corridor to him. Most of the film texture reminded the Old place, and Miami. Ambitious, cruel and clever. Then you know you just need to look — to feel the atmosphere. Forget about fighters and really easy to understand — so in life happens, there is no sentimentality.

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