Requiem for a Dream

Codependency - a pathological condition characterized by deep absorption and strong emotional, social or physical dependence on another person. Most often the term is used in relation to the friends and relatives of alcoholics, drug addicts and others with what - or dependencies, but not limited to them.

We are all about - that dream. From birth until death. However, not all dreams come true. Who is to blame? Ourselves. We all have 24 hours a day. Only one - it uses them at 100, and someone - no. It is a personal choice. Drug addiction - one of the worst things that happened to our world. First, it kills morally, and then physically. In the later stages of the disease a person realizes that he no longer wants to live like that. It is necessary to throw. But as is known, it is only in words easy. The man begins to lose the line between reality and fantasy.

We often without even noticing, kills himself. A sort of spiritual suicide. Once tasted, then More, more, more. And then death. In dirt. And first and foremost it gives parents the pain. In most cases, they are co-dependent. Or, are also beginning to use, or morally slowly begin to die. In the early stages of wonders: ,, What is wrong? When we (it) lost? What we are guilty. " And begin to blame yourself In the second step begins a period of self-consolation. You start to think: ,, And in general - then I'm fine. The troubles of my child to blame someone - else. But now in my family no one uses. We are happy. "And the main character of Sarah was this stage. Hallucinations started to her even without the use of the drug. The fact that it was at the end of it would have occurred anyway, it can be later. Dependent people are willing to do anything for a dose. Murder, blackmail or prostitution (do not know what to call it an orgy at the end), like Marion in the film. In the last step codependency person understands that the relatives turned away from him, no friends, children have been addicts (you can pick up another relationship) have remained. Life is just worthless. She ended. Many years have passed in the fantasy. Insanity progresses. Game over.

And the most surprising to me is that all the above stated realistically depicted in the film. Of course, I knew that Connolly, Wines, Summer Burstyn talented actors. But what they will be able to perfectly convey the feelings of the characters. No. Darren Aronofsky huge well done. And besides great acting games, writing and directing the film wisely used music. It helps us to understand the characters and understand the situation. My applause filmmakers. They did a great job and for good reason.

I advise you to see this movie? It all depends on the person. If you do not mind a state of despair and frightening truth must watch. If scared, I would not recommend it. Will I reviewed this film? Most likely no. Too many memories that lead back to the bad thoughts.

PS theoretically this is my first review. But I would not call it so. Rather, that - something like thinking about codependency.

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