Pay the Ghost

The film in which Nicolas Cage fights with supernatural beings, remembers Celtic mythology, quotes Goethe and, as always, demonstrates his dramatic talent. Mystical horror picture "Pay ghost" is an adaptation of a short story by Tim Lebbon not hit the broad North American box office because of the mismatch market conditions horror. Distributor of the tape in limited release was the company responsible for the publication of such genre far from the "Pay ghost" pictures as "line of duty", "Broadcherch" and "collapse".

The first mention in the press "Pay ghost" was in 2010, when he was appointed director Denise Illiadis, best known for its youth fiction movie "1". Producers are obviously counting on the fact that Illiadis remove the typical pop Kornova horror, combining the absence of a clear plot and weighty on the budget box office usually follows logically from mass audience to love vacuous horror as the quintessence of paintings, non-binding reasoning. But then the project was credited with the German director Uli Edel, owner of a large track record, among which the number of such works, although any known a little adept amateur movies like "Adlon" and "Baader Meinhof".

Herr Edel in his work combines two elements, which are extremely rare in the movies at the same time - namely, attention to cinematography, and the desire to not just visualize a scenario, and tell a story full screen. "Pay ghost" was no exception. Hour and a half story built compositionally harmonious, not presledet objectives include as much as possible "terrible" things, but only to tell the frightening tale of a professor of literature and his wife, on the day of Halloween encounter with the world of ghosts, stole their infant son.

"Pay a ghost," like all the really scary story gathers pace and increases the content of the moments showing the same "horror" that serves as the main motivating reason for buying a ticket for the film gradually. The first screen describes the everyday life of the average New York family, in which the pope continually delayed at work and miss a lot of important baby moments, and then "Pay ghost" goes to the mystical part where scavengers, ghosts, portals to another world and mediums look natural part of the urban landscape. This "ghost Pay" is similar to the recent "Poltergeist", which came into the beyond everyday without any difficulty.

This structure allows the film director to create an atmosphere of terror, serving the measure of success of any scary stories. Writer Stephen King, the unsurpassed master of the genre in literature, acting completely on the same algorithm. It is a priority of the narrative, shall we say, special. effects and distinguishes good from bad horror. Is present in the film "scary" moments really creepy and unexpected, is also a rarity in modern cinema genre under consideration, where the whole "surprise" is easily calculated, and makes the viewer does not flinch from the strain.

The mystical story about the mysterious disappearance of his second part is replaced by a real quest, it must pass the hero Nicolas Cage. But camera work, its style remains unchanged for all timing. Small budget "Pay ghost" spent a very cost-conscious, computer graphics in the picture a little, effects achieved primarily due to the spectacular panoramas and crane survey (which, it should be noted, is very unusual for a horror film) and gray-blue colors, consistent throughout the entire tape. In those moments, where there are digital effects very well chosen brightness and contrast, do not stress, but on the contrary - to hide the fact that the treated art directors minimum funds.

Let Nicolas Cage and several shook their "star" reputation indiscriminate choice of roles (considered by many publications, dictated by the excessive love of expensive purchases in the form of personal things of Elvis Presley and others.), But because of his talent did not become less obvious. Cage copes with the task to create an image of a desperate father, he was crying, suffering, and even the shortest scenes shows suitable for a particular moment range of feelings and emotions. Separately, it is worth noting that Mr. Cage's hair in "Pay ghost" looks good as ever, and this is his last works are rare. A German-speaking cinema fans no doubt be pleased to see on the screen a thoroughbred, beautiful actress Veronica Ferres.

The striking disparity "Pay ghost" that is considered to be in wide distribution horror, something like "Sinister" and "Astral", built around one or another invented by the writers of supernatural phenomena, and not around the characters and the story as a whole, led to the exit film on digital media at the same time rental. But not only this fact had a negative impact on the box office, "Pay ghost" is an old-fashioned story, where the important meaning and character, though it takes place in the interior space of the underworld. If you prefer horror atmospheric and mysterious like "The Omen" Lev Schreiber or "sworn" with Patrick Wilson and love scary novel, the "Pay ghost" is sure to your taste, otherwise it is skipped.

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