Mad Max: Fury Road

When I went to this movie, I was waiting for furious spectacle comes from the last century: with explosions, laconic, total chaos, insanity and demolishing the roof of the music. And ... I got it all! All my expectations but, in fact, the very strings of the plot, is more than justified, but who cares when the on-screen crowd freaks, led white freakriding bestial machine under a rock-guitar accompaniment, bursting with flames chased through the desert of the armored car. All the blows, thunder explodes, explode, explode !!!

New Max - is trash, but the trash of the highest quality. You are imbued with history from the very first frame, and she does not let you through. Heroes barely speak,but even though it's you they empathize. Reptiles are bastards, the good guys ... well, they're not really reptiles. Of course, a little disappointed that the title character himself - Max - almost pushed into the background, although this is probably by design director. The new tape Max - a ghost wasteland, a man without a past and future,which just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

All the characters are charismatic and harsh. They are exactly what should be, and people living in a world immersed in violence and anarchy postapokalipsisa. Furioso gorgeous, beautiful girls, Max laconic and cool, and the bald Crank and does - a real decoration film. I do not know his nameBut I really was interesting to watch him. He is the best.

It's time to end this inconsistency review, so summarize. Who else thinks to look or not - do not even think! This is the best action-spectacle of the past few years: a harsh, cruel, uncompromising.

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